
The voice is a powerful tool, and with proper training you can tell amazing stories through beautiful music.  By learning the basics, I can help you find the inner freedom to express both music and story.  Lessons can teach you how to maintain your voice, take it to the next level, or work on rehabilitation.  Voice lessons are available both in person and online via Skype or FaceTime. 

Sound good singing in the car, but scared to sing in front of others? Ready to move on to that song you've been nervous to tackle? Voice lessons are beneficial for everyone from the student learning basic fundamentals to those studying advanced technique.  Lessons start by focusing on the technical aspects of singing and are eventually merged into performing songs.  Focus is placed primarily on healthy vocal practices.​  You might even feel comfortable singing your favorite song on stage...or at karaoke. 

Through voice coaching I will help you polish your pieces to get them audition or performance ready.  Whether you need help choosing an appropriate key or need a hand in cutting a song, I will be there to make sure you have a piece that best reflects your talents.​  You'll soon feel confident enough to land that part or bring audiences to rapt silence.

Piano Lessons

From the beginner who's never played a chord, to the student working through a more difficult piano concerto, to even those wanting to learn to play out vocals,  piano lessons will help you improve your skills and stay focused on all technical and emotional aspects of good playing.  So, pull up a bench and get ready to tickle those ivories.